
Living Wage: A guide to achieving accreditation


10 July, 9.30am-10.00am, online

Paying the Living Wage is good for business. It improves the business brand, staff productivity and motivation at work. Businesses have seen growth in customers and reductions in staff turnover as a result of paying the Living Wage. In this virtual session you will hear from local business Big Penny Social that pay the Living Wage and the results they have seen.

Low paid employment increases the likelihood of individuals experiencing poverty and financial hardship, and mental health issues arising from financial stress such as anxiety and depression. Waltham Forest has been named the third-worst UK area for wages relative to the local cost of living so it’s a high priority issue for our residents. Without a fair wage, people cannot afford the everyday items they need to live a good life.

There’ll be the chance to ask questions and hear more about the proven business advantages that accredited businesses have experienced, including small arts and creative organisations with concerns about low profit margins. Find out more and book your place

Speakers include

  • Laurence Higgens, Big Penny Ltd
    Big Penny Ltd is an inclusive hospitality employer with a diverse team.
  • Lindsay Harrod & Andrew Gordan, Living Wage Foundation
    Living Wage Foundation’s mission is to encourage employers to play their part in tackling in-work and post-work poverty and provide a decent standard of living by paying the real Living Wage, adopting Living Hours and Living Pensions as well as wider good employment practices.

Find out more and book your place

If you’re unable to make the time/date of this event but still want to hear more about the Living Wage please do get in touch with

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